The process of obtaining a medical license can be complicated and time consuming. Find resources and information on how to obtain an initial license, a second license, and additional licenses by state.
Physicians applying for an initial license or applying for a medical license in another state should anticipate delays due to credentialing and past practice checks, as well as the need to meet licensing standards.
Follow these tips to simplify the medical license application process:
Request a copy of your current medical license requirements
When applying to the licensing board for the first time, ask for a copy of its current licensing requirements and the average time it takes to process applications. This helps prevent unreasonable expectations about processing times and gives you a better idea of when to close your practice, plan for a move, or arrange a start date with a new employer to minimize financial loss.
Submit your resume
Physicians should submit a resume or curriculum vitae (CV) to the licensing board at the first contact. This will allow the licensing board to assess potential problem areas early in the process.
Disclose all information
Don’t try to hide potentially derogatory information from the licensing board. It is much better to provide information, assist the board in obtaining records and other necessary data, and provide information about extenuating circumstances that will prevent a license denial.
Follow up to expedite the process
Face-to-face contact and follow-up with medical schools, training programs and relevant hospitals will motivate these agencies to check credentials more expeditiously. Interacting with licensing boards in other states with licenses can also help reduce the time it takes to obtain a license.
The Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS) provides a centralized process for state medical boards to obtain verified records of basic physician medical credentials. Call FCVS at (888) 275-3287 for more information .
Plan to wait at least 60 days
Physicians should plan to wait at least 60 days from the time they submit the completed license application and the actual license issuance date.
Physicians who have graduated from medical school outside the United States should expect a slightly longer period. State medical licensing boards and their staffs need time to objectively evaluate each application for licensure.