Now there are many opportunities to make money online for any thing, even health insurance and many have started to play online casinos. The next popular category of online games is the online casino . They already assume that the player will replenish or withdraw virtual money, with the possibility of converting it to WebMoney or another electronic payment system, so an account is associated with each account. The online casino has a large list of gambling games – slot machines, roulette, blackjack, poker. A significant disadvantage is that it is impossible to check the honesty of an online casino, and that the number that has fallen out on a die or in roulette is really random.
No less popular is online football, online basketball and other sports. They have the opportunity to play face-to-face with another player for some bet that goes to the winner, or as a team member, moving your team up the tournament ladder and receiving various bonuses. All the best games you can see on the website brazilian online casino.
There are different areas where you can try your hand as a developer : games for mobile platforms, for PC and consoles, browser-based Flash games. And in each different game will come out to earn insurance
Technical requirements for games on mobile devices, as a rule, not very high (due to the limited hardware, compared to a personal computer), only an interesting idea is important here – a dice simulator, a card game with non-standard rules, geo-games (taking into account the player’s location). The number of mobile device users is large, which allows the game to be sold at the lowest possible price, in the hope that more users will download it. As for the sales process itself, as a rule, they rely on digital distribution services (AppStore, Android Market), which, for a percentage of sales, are engaged in the promotion and promotion of the game. For the development of such games, there are ready-made tools that allow you not to immerse yourself in the specifics of programming and deal more with game design.
Browser (non-multiplayer) games are popular because you can use your home computer, smartphone or tablet, or computer in an Internet cafe to play it. As a rule, these games are free, but provide for the possibility of financial gratitude (donate) to the developers.
The most profitable and most difficult industry in game development is games for personal computers and consoles (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii). In order to make such a game alone, you need knowledge of mathematics, physics, the ability to draw or model, good programming skills. Games of this type can be divided into the following types (according to the complexity of implementation):
- casual games (quest games, tower defense, logic) – focused not on the graphic and sound environment, but on the process of the game itself, solving logic problems in it and some, often monotonous, actions
- quality AAA games – aimed at players who demand beautiful graphics, realistic physics and are willing to pay for it.
- average between casual and AAA games.
Casual games are designed for those players who spend relatively little time on games (office workers, housewives), so they can spend money on them within their pocket expenses.
As for high-quality AAA games, if you manage to make a really successful product (which is unlikely for one person), the time and money spent will pay off with interest. In addition, if successful, this is an opportunity to open your own game development company and already hire other people for a new project.
Comparison of the pros and cons of each way of earning:
Character leveling (online games)
- pros: opportunity to make good money
- cons: requires gaming experience and familiarity with the game universe; need a lot of free time
Extraction of game resources (online games)
- pluses: opportunity to make good money; no special knowledge about the game is required
- cons: the monotony of the process; need a lot of free time
Sale of game currency (online games)
- pros: opportunity to make good money
- cons: speculation with game resources
Crafting (creation) of unique items (online games)
- pros: opportunity to make good money
- cons: you need to find a player who would like to buy an item
Online casino
- pros: the opportunity to make very good money
- cons: the risk associated with the possible dishonesty of the casino
Online sports
- pros: the opportunity to play your favorite sport
- cons: low and not constant earnings
Mobile game development
- pluses: opportunity to make good money; fast development process
- cons: development experience required
Development of browser-based Flash games
- pluses: minimal knowledge of development; fast development process
- cons: low and not constant earnings
Development of casual games
- pros: opportunity to make good money
- cons: relatively long development process; search for a publisher or the need to promote the game yourself; good development knowledge required
Development of medium-sized games
- pros: the opportunity to make very good money
- cons: the longest development process; search for a publisher or the need to promote the game yourself; good development knowledge required
Can you make money at an online casino?
What is our life? A game!
(words by Herman in P. I. Tchaikovsky’s opera The Queen of Spades
based on the story of the same name by A. S. Pushkin)
Like their real-life counterparts, online casinos are widespread, they attract with bright advertisements and promise fabulous profits. Currently, the Web is simply flooded with various sites offering to play gambling games for real money. The scheme is simple: the visitor registers on the site, replenishes his gaming account and plays well-known games such as roulette, poker, blackjack, “21”, etc. The vast majority of such sites in the Russian-speaking part of the Web offer to replenish the game account in several different ways: through one of the electronic money systems (WebMoney, RuPay, PayPal, eGold, etc.), via bank transfer to the account of the founders and almost never accept cash. The only exceptions are real casinos, for which the site is not the main, but rather an image, additional platform for doing business.
The advantage of gambling on the Internet compared to visiting a real casino is that:
- There is no need to leave the house, i.e. you can play, being in a familiar home environment;
- The speed of all gaming operations: the person in front of the monitor is the only client that the casino visually serves. Of course, in fact, there are other visitors to this site who are playing the same game at the same time. But unlike a real casino in a virtual one, none of them interferes with you and does not delay the game.
Such simplicity can bribe even a person who is not inclined to visit a casino and play slot machines in real life. This is actually used by the owners of gambling online resources, attracting more and more inexperienced users with bright banners and easy money. They earn here in the same way as in a real casino: using the rules and features of each specific game.
But it’s time to get down to business. To satisfy my interest in gambling, I allocated a strictly fixed amount of 24 WMZ ($24 in the WebMoney system, you can read more about it in the article ” WebMoney: creating a wallet, exchange and replenishment “). My goal was to get a small stable income by playing exclusively classic roulette.
Just in case, let me remind you that for a competent game of roulette, you need to remember the theory of probability, which is usually studied at the university. Without going into details for now, I will say that in the absence of restrictions on the amount of the bet, probability theory is on the side of the player. Therefore, the casino always has a minimum and maximum bet size. It is important for us how many times this maximum exceeds the minimum, because this will be our operational space.
The simplest roulette winning strategy is to bet on one of the equally likely events (red/black, even/odd and 1-18/19-36), starting from the minimum rates. If we lose, we double the bet and again bet on the same event until it is realized. If you win, we lower the bet amount to the minimum and again choose which event we will play on. The net profit from one winning iteration is equal to the size of the initial bet (in my case, this is the size of the minimum bet).
This strategy is based on the fact that the probability of a series of independent events occurring is equal to the product of the probabilities of each of these events.
Example: let’s calculate the probability of winning when betting on equally probable events, for example, we will bet on “red”.
We will assume that the probability of the ball hitting the red field of the roulette is 0.5 (50%). Thus, at the first iteration, the probability of winning is 50%. If we lose, then at the second iteration the probability increases and amounts to 75% (1 – 0.5^2 = 0.75). In this case, 0.5^2 is the probability of getting “black” 2 times in a row. We are interested in any situation, except for this one, therefore, the probability of a negative outcome for us is subtracted from the maximum probability. At the third iteration, the probability that we will win is already 87.5% (1 – 0.5^3 = 0.875). And so on.
It looks simple, but in reality you need to remember about the maximum limit of the bet amount. If it is reached, and you still lose, then the losses will exceed your profit by several orders of magnitude. Based on this, you need to answer 2 questions:
- Is the difference between the maximum and minimum bet amounts sufficient to implement this strategy? The larger this difference, the higher the probability of beating the casino.
- How much money do you need to have in your account to successfully cover the operating costs for any iteration of bets? For example, if the minimum bet is UAH 1 and the maximum bet is UAH 500, then our operational space will allow us to increase the bet 8 times and make the maximum bet in the amount of UAH 256 (2^8 x UAH 1). From this it follows that the account must have at least 511 UAH (1 + 2 + 4 + … + 256). (Calculated using the formula for the sum of members of a geometric progression from the school algebra course 🙂 – http://www.math.ru/dic/20)

How it all ended
It all started just great. I consistently made a profit of about 2 WMZ for half an hour playing according to the scheme. If we multiply this by 160 working hours per month, then 640 WMZ came out, taking into account losses during cashing out, one could count on 600 USD. per month. At the same time, my earnings as a programmer at that time were 400 USD. per month. The thought came to mind that it was not necessary to engage in professional activities – you can make money out of thin air. Play for fun and all wishes come true 🙂 An idiot’s dream…
Despite such optimistic calculations, everything ended in a trite way – the casino won most of my money that was on the account, and I curtailed my activity and withdrew the rest of the funds to the WM-purse.
Why did I lose? The reason, as in life, is that the casino has every opportunity to influence the events in their games. Moreover, it is even easier to do this in a virtual casino than in a real one (it is enough to introduce elements of artificial intelligence into the program for generating the next event, make the events dependent, or, in other words, create an adaptive system that adapts to the user’s actions). In my case, I failed after the roulette ball stopped on the red field 13 (!) times in a row, despite the fact that I regularly bet on the “black”. For the sake of interest, let’s calculate the probability of my winning at the thirteenth iteration. It is 1 – 0.5^13 ≈ 0.99988, or 99.988%.
Agree, the probability was very close to 100%, but, nevertheless, I lost. (And how can one not believe in the magic of numbers?!) This served as a sign to me that in this casino something obviously influences events, except for probability theory
I am sincerely happy for those rare lucky ones who win significant amounts in the casino, but I see no way to ensure the stability of this type of income, because. here processes in games are constantly influenced by factors external to them. Therefore, I consider online casinos just as one of the many paid entertainments, and not a way to earn something.